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Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning

If you are involved with martial arts then you know first hand how grueling it can be when it comes to training. This is because martial arts is a very physical activity. Whether you participate in Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Kung fu or Hap Ki Do you pretty much do the same routines when it comes to strengthening and conditioning of the body.

Here are some tips that will help you become stronger, fitter and faster without it being a painful & boring activity.

1.) The first tip in order to master strengthening and conditioning of the body is to be consistent. In my personal martial arts training I found that if I did not strengthen and stretch my muscles on a regular basis then I was more prone to injury. This is due to my busy schedule outside of martial arts where I would go a couple of weeks or more without training my body and as a result my muscles would start to weaken. If you do not maintain the strength of your core muscles you might have a hard time performing techniques such as kicking and punching with efficiency and effectiveness.

2.) The second tip to master strengthening and conditioning of the body is to make training fun. I recommend if your training at home that you put on some of your favorite music. I find that if I put on my favorite hip hop song it just pumps me up to do and complete my daily exercises regardless of how hard a day I had at work.

3.) The third tip I would give in order to become a better martial artist through training is to plan your week and the days you are able to workout. If you are over the age of 24 most likely you have a grueling schedule with maybe, work, education, family etc. Therefore, it can be difficult to get training in everyday at a particular time. In this case you can sit down and plan your week according to free time you may have on particular days. If you know that every Thursday you have a light work load you can squeeze in weight lifting or cardio exercises.

4.) The fourth tip is to use martial arts equipment to aid in your training. If you are a martial arts fighter then there are a couple of things you always want to improve outside of fighting techniques and that is your flexibility, strength and your stamina through cardio-vascular exercises. When it comes to flexibility of course I do the traditional stretching using my hands and legs. However, I have gotten myself a stretching machine that helps me to stretch my legs apart as far as possible allowing me to improve to my fullest potential. I could not get this done without such an apparatus.

5.) The fifth and final tip I would give to mastering your strengthening and conditioning and becoming a better martial artist is to know to your body. You must know what you are physically capable of in order to maximize your potential. Once you realize the capabilities of your body you can train accordingly. Focusing more on strengthening your weakness to become an even more powerful warrior.

Trevor Lawrence is a martial arts enthusiast who practices the art of Hap Ki Do. For more information on the best martial arts supplies and equipment that will aid in improving you as a martial artist please visit
